Table 1

Multilevel analysis of health expenditures in the city of Malmö, Sweden, in 1999. Analyses are based on the 74% (38 536 of 52 419) of the men aged 40–80 years from 130 different countries of birth who had some health expenditure. Countries of birth are at the second, and individuals at the first level

Model 1Model 2
*Age is centred at 60 years; †country of birth differences in mean health expenditure (see figure 2 for graphic representation); ‡the intra-country of birth correlation indicates how much of the total variance in health expenditure between individuals is explained by country of birth. CI, confidence intervals; RC, regression coefficient.
Regression coefficient RC (95% CI) RC (95% CI)
Age*0.0333 (0.0319 to 0.0347)0.0308 (0.0294 to 0.0322)
Age20.0006 (0.0004 to 0.0008)0.0004 (0.0002 to 0.0006)
Low income (yes/no)0.3582 (0.3247 to 0.3917)
Living alone (yes/no)0.1973 (0.1648 to 0.2298)
Variance analysis Variance (95% CI) Variance (95% CI)
Intercept variance†0.0180 (0.0034 to 0.0326)0.0096 (0.0001 to 0.0191)
Individual variance2.3903 (2.3565 to 2.4241)2.3486 (2.3154 to 2.3818)
Intra-country of birth correlation‡0.7%0.4%