Table 4

 Risk of work related sickness absence by combined exposure to psychosocial work risk factors and employment status for men and women in a sample of workers (n = 13957) from the Third European Survey on Working Conditions (2000)

RRa†95%CIRRa†95%CITest for interaction*
*Wald test; †adjusted rate ratio for age, marital status, children at home, household chores, country, economic sector, company size, vibrations, fumes, noise, extreme temperatures, carrying load; ‡1 + job control; §1 + job demands.
Psychological job demands‡
         Low10.96(0.66 to 1.38)
         High1.27(1.12 to 1.44)1.02(0.74 to 1.39)p = 0.455
Job control§
         High10.37(0.20 to 0.66)
         Low1.45(1.28 to 1.63)1.63(1.25 to 2.14)p = 0.001
Psychological job demands‡
         Low10.69(0.49 to 0.98)
         High1.19(1.04 to 1.37)1.28(0.97 to 1.68)p = 0.047
Job control§
         High10.94(0.63 to 1.39)
         Low1.91(1.67 to 2.19)1.70(1.30 to 2.22)p = 0.824