Table 2

Data sources on treatment for CHD in primary care and secondary care in the UK, 1981–2000

InformationSourceQuality and comments
Initial treatments for acute myocardial infarction
    Community CPREstimated using data from UK Heart Attack Study,11 UK MONICA registers69 and Scottish Heartstart.70 Number of myocardial infarction admissions to hospital obtained from HES.Ad hoc surveys and ambulance data only.
    Hospital CPRNumber of hospital CPR patients estimated using 2000 HES data and The United Kingdom Heart Attack Study Collaborative Group,12 BRESUS Study25 and UK MONICA registers.69Isolated surveys only.
 β blocker
 ACE inhibitorThe United Kingdom Heart Attack Study Collaborative Group,12 Nottingham Heart Attack Register.10,71 UK MONICA centres in Glasgow and Belfast reported data on drugs and procedures in MI (before the event, during the event and post-event) between 1985–1995.69Isolated surveys, plus some data on numbers given thrombolysis. Routine information on hospital treatments for acute myocardial infarction not available.
Secondary prevention after acute myocardial infarction, CABG surgery, or angioplasty
 β blockers
 ACE inhibitors
 Rehabilitation including exerciseLimited data on secondary prevention from General Practice Research Database report72 and EUROASPIRE II Study9Isolated surveys and a few ad hoc audits only.
Unstable angina in hospital admissionsNo routine data on therapyNo routine data.
Aspirin for community anginaData mainly from a General Practice Research Database report72Isolated surveys only.
Heart failure treatment in hospital admissionsIsolated audits only.
Heart failure treatment in the communityKey Health Statistics From General Practice 199813Isolated papers.
Treatment of individual patients for hypertensionBritish Regional Heart Study34 Caerphilly papers73 and the Health Survey for England 199816Information limited, especially in the elderly population.