Population statistics (1981–2000) (number) | Office for National Statistics18 | Easily accessible, accurate, and up to date |
Deaths by age and sex (1981–2000) (number) | Available online from Office for National Statistics6 and as published reports66 | Death certification complete, standardised coding. Only minority based on necropsy. May over estimate CHD deaths in elderly people. |
CHD mortality (rates) | Available as mortality statistics from Office for National Statistics66,67 and from British Heart Foundation Annual CHD Statistics online or published reports2 | Little information on ethnic minority or socioeconomic differences. |
CABG surgery patients (number) | CABG numbers from 1991–2000 available online on UK Society for Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland’s web site (http://www.scts.org/doc/2102).19 To obtain figures for England and Wales CABG numbers for Scotland and Ireland deducted from UK figures. | Appear accurate. Lack detail on age, sex, ethnic group, social status, and long term survival. |
Angioplasty patients (number) | Angioplasty numbers for 1991–2000 available online on British Cardiovascular Intervention Society’s web site http://www.bcis.org.uk/audit/Bcis00.ppt.20 | Age and sex split not provided. No long term outcomes. |
Angina patients admitted to hospital (number) | Number of angina patients admitted to hospital available from Hospital Episode Statistics 1999–2000 (http://www.doh.gov.uk/hes/index.html).21 | Episodes not individuals. Coding accuracy improving. Lack detail on subgroups. No data on therapy. |
Angina patients in the community (number) | Prevalence of “ever experienced angina” is available from Health Survey for England 1998,16 and British Regional Heart Study.68 | Only prevalence not incidence. |
Heart failure patients admitted to hospital (number) | Number of heart failure patients admitted to hospital available from Hospital Episode Statistics 1999–2000 (http://www.doh.gov.uk/hes/index.html)21 | As for angina admissions. |
Heart failure patients in the community (number) | Prevalence of treated heart failure patients in the community available from Key Health Statistics from General Practice 1998 report13 | GP consultations; therefore omits subjects not presenting to NHS. |