Table 1

Characteristics of the original cohort and the cohort with complete data at birth and at all three follow up visits. Pelotas, Brazil, 1997

CharacteristicsOriginal cohortCohort with complete data at birth and at all three follow up visits
*The figures of gestational age and birth weight for gestational age centile do not add to the totals shown in the last row because of missing information. †The figures of weight gain do not add to the totals shown in the last row, as some children were not followed up in 1984. Percentages are shown in parentheses.
    Male3034 (51.3)389 (51.9)
    Female2879 (48.7)360 (48.1)
Family income (US$)
    901288 (21.9)99 (13.2)
    91–2702789 (47.4)364 (48.7)
    271–5401091 (18.5)178 (23.8)
    541–900382 (6.5)53 (7.1)
    >900335 (5.7)54 (7.2)
Maternal schooling (years of schooling)
    01961 (33.2)201 (26.0)
    1–52454 (41.5)319 (42.6)
    6–9653 (11.1)92 (12.3)
    10839 (14.2)136 (18.2)
Birth weight (g)
    <2500534 (9.0)38 (5.1)
    25005375 (91.0)711 (94.9)
Gestational age (weeks)*
    <37294 (6.3)38 (5.1)
    374380 (93.7)711 (94.9)
Birth weight for gestational age*
    <10th centile723 (15.2)101 (13.5)
    ≥10th centile4022 (84.8)648 (86.5)
Change in weight for age z score between birth and mean age of 20 months†
    <−0.671113 (28.2)204 (27.2)
    −0.66 to 0.661707 (43.2)317 (42.3)
    >0.671133 (28.7)228 (30.4)