Table 1

Occupational characteristics and risk factors in 10 383 men included in the cross sectional analysis (GAZEL study)

Occupational category at entry into the company
Middle executive110110.6
Occupational category in 1992
Senior executive and professional299128.8
Middle executive598757.7
Occupational mobility between entry and 1992
Upwardly mobile
    Middle executive to senior executive and professional6095.9
    Employee/worker to senior executive and professional238222.9
    Employee/worker to middle executive549552.9
    Middle executive4924.8
Smokers in 1992 (yes) 251124.5
Excessive alcohol consumption in 1992 (⩾48 g/day) (yes) 6506.9
Arterial hypertension in 1992 (yes) 114411.0
Overweight in 1992 (BMI⩾25 kg/m2) (yes) 540555.1