Table 2

Age adjusted rates and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and percutaneus transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in Finland by social class, education, and family disposable income in 1996, men and women aged 70 years and older

CABG and PTCA, 1996
per 100 000 (95% CI)per 100 000 (95% CI)
Social class
    Upper white collar693 (577 to 825)266 (200 to 347)
    Lower white collar651 (555 to 758)195 (164 to 230)
    Blue collar460 (413 to 511)203 (178 to 230)
    Farmer521 (451 to 600)178 (143 to 219)
    Other462 (382 to 554)216 (179 to 258)
    High668 (537 to 821)242 (167 to 340)
    Intermediate647 (557 to 747)200 (162 to 245)
    Low483 (448 to 521)202 (185 to 220)
Disposable income
    1st-highest730 (600 to 879)223 (159 to 303)
    2nd773 (665 to 894)224 (174 to 283)
    3rd564 (496 to 639)231 (193 to 273)
    4th444 (397 to 495)234 (209 to 261)
    5th-lowest326 (261 to 403)110 (87 to 137)
Total 523 (490 to 557)203 (188 to 220)