Table 3

Health care use

Number of contacts with GP¶Number of contacts with specialist¶
Variable†β§95% CIβ§95% CI
¶Probit results and inverse mill ratio not shown. †Coefficients of the disease specific dummies are not shown. At the α=5% level the following disease dummies are significant for (1) GP: asthma, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, hypertension, chronic bladder infection, diabetes, thyroid gland disease, depression, arthrosis, stomach ulcer. (2) Specialist: asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergy, heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, chronic bladder infection, epilepsy, migraine, cancer. §Unstandardised coefficients. *Significant at α=0.05; **at α=0.01; ***at α=0.001.
Intercept0.9490.78 to 1.117***0.580840.446 to 0.716***
Sex (female)0.0720.026 to 0.117***0.087550.051 to 0.124***
Age (y)0.0070.005 to 0.009***−0.00301−0.004 to −0.002***
Number of diseases/chronic disorders0.1080.093 to 0.123***0.065860.054 to 0.078***
SF-36 physical score−0.010−0.011 to −0.009***−0.00209−0.003 to −0.001***
GHQ-12 score0.0210.013 to 0.029***0.013230.007 to 0.02***
Subjective health (very bad to fair)0.2540.192 to 0.316***0.119590.07 to 0.17***
Obesity (BMI ≥30)0.027−0.043 to 0.097−0.04259−0.099 to 0.014
SES 1st quintile0.0770.007 to 0.148*−0.1702−0.227 to −0.113***
SES 2nd quintile0.1100.039 to 0.18***−0.12475−0.181 to −0.068***
SES 3rd quintile0.0930.023 to 0.162***−0.12005−0.176 to −0.064***
SES 4th quintile0.041−0.028 to 0.111−0.07572−0.132 to −0.02***
F 21944