Table 3

Sociodemographic characteristics, cardiac risk factors, and indicators of initial disease severity in male and female responders

Men (n=382)Women (n=337)p Value
*Family history refers to first degree relatives. †Creatinine kinase only measured in patients whose working diagnosis was AMI. The CK iso-enzyme CK-MB should be used, but it was only measured at follow up in 156 (21.7%) patients, so the CPK was used in the analysis instead.
Sociodemographic characteristics
    Mean age (ys) 60.7 64.0<0.001
    White362(94.8)324(96.1) 0.38
    Carstairs mean deprivation score −0.13n=352 −0.24n=300 0.59
    Regular smoker136(43.9) 91(42.9) 0.83
    Alcohol (ever)353(96.2)259(81.2)<0.001
Family history*
    Hypertension 98(26.9)n=364120(39.5)n=306 0.003
    Coronary artery disease221(60.2)n=382216(69.7)n=337 0.01
    Hypercholesterolaemia 39(10.7)n=365 42(13.8)n=305 0.33
Past medical history
    Diabetes 30(8.2)n=382 40(12.7)n=337 0.05
    Angina154(42.7)n=382142(45.4)n=337 0.48
    Acute myocardial infarction141(39.4)n=382 91(29.2)n=337 0.006
    Hypercholesterolaemia102(28.6)n=382 85(28.6)n=337 0.99
    Previous CABG 30(8.2)n=366 16(5.0)n=317 0.10
    Previous PTCA 29(7.9)n=365 11(3.4)n=319 0.01
    Previous angiogram 46(12.0)n=382 32(9.5)n=337 0.27
Indicators of disease severity
    Q wave infarction157(70.4)n=223 94(58.8)n=160 0.02
    Clinical / radiological evidence of heart failure during admission 81(21.4)n=379 60(18.2)n=329 0.30
    Abnormal CK†195(60.6)n=322131(48.3)n=271 0.003
    Recurrence of signs / symptoms of ischaemia142(37.4)n=380135(41.4)n=326 0.27
    If recurrent ischaemia, mean number of times (median, interquartile range) 3.22(2.0, 1.0–3.0) 3.60(2.0, 1.0–4.0) 0.42
    Mean duration of pre-discharge exercise test (min) (median, interquartile range) 7.34(8.0, 5.0–9.2)(n=41) 7.47(6.6, 4.4–10.2)(n=39) 0.81
Discharge diagnosis
    Acute myocardial infarction223(59.2)n=377160(48.8)n=328 0.01
    Angina128(34.1)n=375143(43.3)n=330 0.01
    Non-cardiac cause 10(2.6)n=378 10(3.1)n=327 0.74
    Further investigation required 14(3.7)n=376 14(4.3)n=328 0.71