Table 1

Numbers of patients studied, classified according to type of diabetes and gender. The numbers of patients identified by each source (hospital, primary care or identified in both) are given with the capture-recapture estimate generated and the total in in each category obtained by source linkage. As the number of patients whose type of diabetes was unclassified was small (3.3% of the total) these have been included with the type 2 patients

Hospital sourcePrimary care sourceBoth sourcesCapture-recapture estimateLinkage
Type 1Male703600542778761
Sum of male and female capture-recapture estimates1354
All type 1 patients1233104895413541327
Type 2Male22113632169447404149
Sum of male and female capture-recapture estimates8953
All type 2 patients42336862324489547851
Sum of capture-recapture estimates separately by type of diabetes and gender10307
All diabetic patients546679104198102999178