Table 1

Number of participants approached and not approached in each study year; number of non-respondents and respondents of those approached each study year; number of respondents with missing data and number in analyses of OECD score

Year Total Not approached1-150 (% death) Approached1-151 Non-respondents Respondents Missing data (%) Number in analyses1-152
1991178417841784141 (7.9)1643
1992178486 (19)16981891509134 (8.9)1375
19931784165 (29)16192271392103 (7.4)1289
19941784233 (32)15512061345100 (7.4)1245
19951784292 (34)1492247124582 (6.6)1163
19971784356 (44)1428161126797 (7.7)1170
  • 1-150 Initial participants could not be approached again to participate for any of the following reasons: (1) mortality; (2) explicit refusal to further participate in the study; (3) emigration; (4) loss to follow up.

  • 1-151 Number approached = total number minus number not approached.

  • 1-152 Number in analyses = number of respondents minus number with missing data.