Table 1

Characteristics of units regarding three geographical classifications for the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Characteristic Neighbourhoods Postcode sectors Boroughs
Number (populated/unpopulated)92/176/322/0
 mean7 8509 50432 828
 standard deviation5 4206 2377 849
 maximum28 26023 42051 680
Mean income1-150
 least deprived32 48832 00432 022
 intermediate27 13427 27127 497
 most deprived24 77325 11125 342
Percentage dependent on benefits1-150
 least deprived232324
 most deprived414140
Percentage low incomes1-150
 least deprived353537
 most deprived525250
  • 1-150 The categories “least deprived”, “intermediate”, and “most deprived” concern the tertiles of the population who live in the most favourable, intermediate and least favourable areas, respectively, regarding each deprivation measure.