Table 2

Sample characteristics,2-150 respondents to the National Health Interview Survey (1987–1994) and those who died of injury, aged 18–64, with follow up until 1995 and linked to the 1990 US Census

VariablesAll respondents (SE)Those who died of injury (n=1195)
Motor vehicle (SE)Other external (SE)
Individual level
Age (mean years)38  (0.1)31  (1.0)38  (0.9)37  (0.8)39  (0.8)
 % men49 (0.1)73 (3.7)78 (2.6)66 (2.4)79 (2.3)
 % women51 (0.1)27 (3.7)22 (2.6)34 (2.4)21 (2.3)
 % Black, non-Hispanic12 (0.5)41 (4.0)7 (1.4)14 (1.9)14 (2.2)
 % Hispanic4 (0.3)3 (1.7)1 (0.8)3 (1.1)3 (1.0)
 % White, non-Hispanic 84 (0.6)56 (4.2)92 (1.5)83 (2.1)83 (2.4)
Marital status
 % divorced or separated10 (0.1)13 (2.3)13 (2.1)13 (1.8)17 (2.1)
 % never married23 (0.3)49 (4.3)28 (2.7)30 (2.6)28 (2.9)
 % widowed2 (0.0)1 (0.7)4 (1.2)3 (0.9)3 (0.8)
 % currently married65 (0.3)37 (4.2)55 (3.1)54 (2.8)53 (3.0)
Education (mean years)13 (0.0)11 (0.2)12 (0.2)12 (0.2)12 (0.2)
Income to needs (mean $)13986 (99)8738 (822)14686 (732)11209 (581)9399 (569)
Occupation/employment status
 % blue collar32 (0.3)35 (3.7)39 (2.9)44 (2.7)36 (2.7)
 % unemployed4 (0.1)12 (2.7)5 (1.5)7 (1.3)9 (1.7)
 % not in labour force22 (0.2)35 (4.1)26 (2.8)21 (2.0)35 (2.5)
 % white collar42 (0.3)18 (2.6)31 (2.7)28 (2.4)19 (2.3)
Neighbourhood level means §
Family income ($)36725 (236)29133 (1051)36143 (858)33039 (779)32426 (845)
Poverty27 (0.3)38 (1.2)26 (1.0)31 (1.0)32 (1.1)
Education25 (0.3)35 (1.3)25 (0.9)29 (0.8)30 (0.9)
Housing value ($)100491 (1615)74827 (5245)97561 (4891)85177 (3374)94202 (6128)
Crowded housing5 (0.2)10 (0.8)4 (0.3)6 (0.5)6 (0.6)
Blue collar44 (0.3)50 (1.0)44 (0.9)49 (0.8)49 (0.9)
Black12 (0.5)31 (2.5)9 (1.0)13 (1.1)16 (1.4)
Hispanic8 (0.4)14 (1.9)6 (0.8)8 (1.0)9 (1.1)
Mobility55 (0.3)55 (0.8)54 (0.8)56 (0.8)56 (0.9)
Unemployment4 (0.1)6 (0.3)4 (0.1)5 (0.2)5 (0.2)
Housing tenure35 (0.3)43 (2.0)35 (1.4)34 (1.1)38 (1.4)
Female headship12 (0.1)19 (0.9)11 (0.3)12 (0.4)13 (0.5)
Poor female headship5 (0.1)10 (0.9)4 (0.3)6 (0.4)6 (0.5)
Divorced11 (0.1)13 (0.4)11 (0.3)10 (0.3)11 (0.3)
Multi-unit housing16 (0.3)19 (2.4)16 (1.6)13 (1.0)16 (1.5)
Urban84 (0.6)91 (2.2)82 (2.6)76 (2.1)76 (2.7)
  • 2-150 Means, percentages, and standard errors adjusted for sample design, percentages may not add to 100 because of rounding. SE = standard eror. Includes other race. §Defined in table 1; per cent in group unless indicated.