Table 1

A classification of ecological variables

Ecological variableDescriptionExamples
Aggregate (Morg)Aggregate of attributes measured at the individual level. It is often expressed as a measure of central tendency (eg, mean, median), but may be extended to include measures of variation of individual level variables (eg, standard deviation).Mean income
Contextual (Susser)Median social class
Analytical (LM)Proportion smoking
Area based composite indices of need/ deprivation
Income inequality
Contagion (Susser)Aggregate of the individual level outcome, rather than exposure(s), that in turn affects the probability of the same outcome in individuals in the same population who are not yet affected.Prevalence of infectious disease
Suicide rate
Environmental(Morg)Physical characteristics of a place, with an individual level analogue that usually varies between individuals (though it may remain unmeasured at the individual level).Hours of sunlight
Environmental pollutant
Latitude and longitude
Structural (LM)Measure the pattern of relationships and interactions between individuals belonging to the group.Social networks
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Global (Morg)Measure attributes of groups, organisations or places, and are not reducible to the individual level. They are fixed for all, or nearly all, individual group members.Social (dis)organisation
Global (LM)Social capital
Integral (Susser)Legislation or regulation
  • Susser = Susser, 19941; LM = Lazarfeld and Menzel, 196119; Morg = Morgenstern.20