Possible responses
Sociodemographic factors
1 Race/ethnicity | White | Dummy coded with White=reference group |
African American |
American Indian/Alaskan Native |
Hispanic |
2 Age | 40+ years | Continuous variable |
3 Education level | ⩽ high school education | Dummy coded with 0= ⩽ HS; 1= > HS |
> high school education |
4 Geographical region | Northeast | Dummy coded with West=reference group |
Midwest |
South |
West |
Health related factors |
1 Number of days of past 30 that health was not good | 0+ days | Dummy coded with 0=0 days; 1=1+ days |
2 Limitation because of any impairment or health problem | Yes | 0=no, 1=yes |
No |
3 Body mass index | Weight (kg) / height (m)2
| kg/m2
Psychosocial factors |
1 Perceived barriers to LTPA: | Rated the frequency of each barrier | 1=never, 2=rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often |
Others discourage | Number of items rated as “often” or “very often” were summed | Possible range: 0–10, with a higher number indicating more barriers rated as “often” or “very often” |
Self consciousness about appearance |
Fear of injury |
Lack of time |
Too tired |
Lack a safe place |
Caregiving duties |
Poor weather |
Health problems |
Lack energy |
2 Social support for LTPA from family and friends | Rated social support on 4 items. | 1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=disagree, 4=strongly agree |
Items were summed to provide an overall measure of social support for LTPA | Possible range: 4–16, with higher scores indicating less social support |
Environmental factors |
1 Sidewalks | Rated the presence or absence of each factor | 0=absent; 1=present |
2 Heavy traffic |
3 Hills |
4 Streetlights |
5 Unattended dogs |
6 Enjoyable scenery |
7 Frequently observe others exercising |
8 High levels of crime |
9 Easy access to walking trails, swimming pools, recreation centres, or bicycle paths |
Physician advice to exercise
| Indicated whether advised by a physician, in the past year, to exercise more | 0=no; 1=yes |