
283 e-Letters

published between 2015 and 2018

  • Authors' responses

    In this paper we sought to explore the idea that the delivery of health promoting interventions could be tailored in ways that might increase uptake among hard-to-reach populations, potentially helping to reduce health inequalities. In hindsight, we realise that the specific intervention used in this study was extremely inappropriate. We acknowledge that the intervention involved drew on stereotypes for female nurses, reinforced the objectification of both women and nurses, thus reinforcing gender inequalities. We also acknowledge criticism that some of the terms we used in translating our paper into English caused offense to some readers.

    We are deeply sorry for our poor judgement and for the negative impacts of this paper. As health inequalities researchers, we are very concerned about the macrosocial determinants of health inequality and recognize that gender inequalities are one such determinant. While it has been very difficult for us to receive such a negative response to our paper, we are grateful to those who have helped us understand its limitations and how we can avoid these in future.

    Response to Tsujimoto and Kataoka
    We thank the Tsujimoto and Kataoka for their comments. While we agree that it would be helpful to formally test for gender differences in the effect of the study intervention, we are unable to conduct such an analysis since permission to use the data, as approved by the ethics board, has now expired. As we discuss in the paper...

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  • Concerns re: Kondo and Ishikawa - 2nd Editors' note

    This is the second E-letter from the Editors of the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health concerning a paper by Kondo and Ishikawa [http://jech.bmj.com/content/early/2018/01/12/jech-2017-209943]. The paper examined the impact of an intervention to encourage people of lower socio-economic status attending pachinko parlours in Japan to undergo health checkups. The intervention, which was not controlled by the authors, used gendered stereotypes of the nursing profession and suggestive uniforms that play on women’s sexuality to encourage people to engage in health checkups. The study conducted was granted ethical approval by an institutional research ethics board.

    JECH condemns the use of sexism, gender and professional stereotypes and other forms of discriminatory practice or language for any purpose, including health promotion programs. The intervention studied in the article contradicts our principles. Concerns about this paper have been sent to us and we have published these as E-letters that are attached to the article.

    We have conducted an audit of our review processes and determined that an improbable chain of accidental human processing errors in the online editorial system meant that we failed to give this paper the usual scrutiny and oversight our submissions receive. In our time as Editors, we have overseen more than 10,000 manuscript submissions prior to this withou...

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  • Response to Barberio et al's claim that there is no link between fluoridation and hypothyroidism

    Barberio et al1 report a study which – in contrast to our own study2 - shows no relationship between fluoride intake and hypothyroidism. However, Barberio et al study is limited by the methods used for identifying hypothyroidism prevalence, fluoridation status and sample sizes.

    Barberio et al utilised three methods to determine hypothyroidism prevalence: self-report and two biomarkers: thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and free T4 blood results. This is problematic as self-report is unlikely to provide accurate prevalence data when compared to clinical diagnosis data, as used in our study4; and there are a number of studies demonstrating that self-reported estimates of thyroid functioning are unreliable. Further, the self-report question does not appear to differentiate between under and over active thyroid functioning. The biomarker data only included individuals with un-medicated hypothyroidism; consequently, the sample is unrepresentative of the population. The analysis of this data provides correlations between the biomarkers TSH, T4 readings and fluoride exposure in a sub-sample of respondents, assuming that all respondents received uniform levels of fluoride. From our data, we observed wide variability within fluoridated areas. This may explain why in table 2b, none of the variables, including age and sex, were predictive of TSH levels. This contradicts Barberio et al’s own data on what is predictive of hypothyroidism and the Canadian Health Measures Survey...

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  • Could alcohol control policies be a smokescreen?

    Madureira-Lima and Galea developped an Alcohol Control Policy Index (ACPI) and claimed higher scores with their index were associated with lower consumption.(1) This deserved comment.

    First, why looking for a complex and time consuming surrogate when the relevant endpoint, consumption, is so easy to assess? Moreover, if reliable data about consumption were not accessible, this would be the best indicator for lack of alcohol control policy.

    Second, how France can rank in the top, 6th among 48 developed countries, for alcohol control? Indeed: a) France is among the barrels, the male population drank an average of 43g/day (female 13g) and, male regular drinkers drank 64g (women 45g).(2) b) serial laws in 2009 and 2016 were used to almost nullify the 1991 Évin law protecting people from alcohol advertising.(3,4) c) for the devastating flawed Responsibility Lansley only copied/pasted a 2006 decree (#159) issued by Bussereau, a French minister for agriculture;(5) d) France even lobbied against the Act about minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland, claiming it “would be disastrous on the balance of European trade”(6) e) the new president hired the CEO of the wine professional organization as his special advisor for agriculture (7) because alcohol is France's second biggest export sector after the aerospace industry.

    Last, in my opinion no country has implemented alcohol control yet as alcohol control must be comprehensive with robust measures. Minimum alc...

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  • Stress and Cancer: India being the vulnerable Asian country

    Stress resilience and cancer risk: a nationwide cohort study (Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Volume 71 Issue 10) was a real eye opener to throw light on a new arena of cancer studies. This could be a serious issue in a developing country like India, where the number of patients diagnosed with cancer is shooting up quite alarmingly[1]. The data of National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research ( September 2017) highlights that, people living with cancer in India is estimated to be around 2.5 million, more than 7 lakh people are newly diagnosed with cancer every year and 5,56,400 people died in 2016 alone, due to this deadly disease[2]. The burden of Thyroid cancer in India has signalled the health authority as the people suffering from thyroid cancer is more than 10 million in the population of 1.324 billion[3].
    Official statistics reveal that there are only about 2000 oncologists in India to treat 10 million cancer patients and the ratio of oncologists to cancer patients is about 1:5,000, whereas, the US has a ratio of about 1:100. There are only 27 Regional Cancer Centres (RCC) in India, which are funded by Central and State Governments and 300 general hospitals. These institutions with inadequate staff, amalgamated with other constraints like financial burden and supply chain challenges make the treatment of cancer even worse[4].
    The escalating cost of cancer treatment in corporate hospitals have made the treatment a night mare for common...

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  • A chicken and egg conundrum

    This paper is a welcome addition to attempts to explain the effects of the increased deaths in 2015 and beyond. Based on a 25-year career in NHS analysis and demand forecasting may I point out that these recurring periods of higher deaths and medical admissions are always accompanied by higher delayed discharges. Observations such as the association between delayed discharges and deaths/medical admissions have, unfortunately, never been published, however, the curious association between increased deaths and medical admissions has been published. Rather than cite over 100 studies the reader is advised to go to a list of publications at http://www.hcaf.biz/2010/Publications_Full.pdf where multiple aspects of cause and effect and possible causes have been explored.

    Time lags are evident, with unexplained increased deaths always lagging unexplained increased emergency admissions, and lags between males and females evident in very small area geographies. Admissions for particular diagnoses rise while others fall during these curious events. Casemix severity may well be affected.

    While it is clear that austerity has only exacerbated the impact of the current event on delayed discharges, as noted by the authors, I would be reluctant to say which trends are cause and effect, and which trends arise from association rather than causation.

    The clear message is that far more research is required by both...

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  • Do cardiometabolic, behavioural and socioeconomic factors explain the ‘healthy migrant effect’ in the UK? Linked mortality follow-up of South Asians compared with white Europeans in the Newcastle Heart Project

    We thank Timaeus and Scott for drawing readers' attention to our interpretation(1) of their data which differs from their own(2) (rapid response 28/7/2017). We are glad to explain our thinking especially as the issues go beyond their data and to the concepts and the UK quantitative evidence. We agree that in their paper after adjustment for three socio-economic and an area of residence variables the mortality rate ratios are lower in South Asian groups than in the White group.(2) The explanation for our different interpretation is that we placed emphasis on their model adjusting mortality for age, sex and period while they emphasised the results of models further adjusting for socio-economic status and residence.(2)

    Generally the ‘healthy migrant effect’ is considered as unexpected and hence a paradox because immigrant populations sometimes have better health, most usually mortality, despite their socio-economic and other disadvantages.(3, 4) It is not generally understood as an effect that arises after adjustments for socio-economic and other related factors. In Timaeus and Scott’s model 1 the rate ratios for Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations born abroad and participating in the Longitudinal Study in England and Wales are shown in their table 5 and were 0.91, 0.95 and 1.01 with the 95% confidence intervals all including the reference value of 1. In model 1, the point estimates of the rate ratios for the same ethnic groups born in the UK were simil...

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  • Effects of inflicted or accidental pediatric head trauma on later criminality.

    To the Editor:
    Jackson et al (1) demonstrate that head injuries sustained from 0 to 7 years predict higher rates of arrest and conduct problems in young adults. We would like to highlight however, that their findings suggest that head injury of a certain type is specifically linked to juvenile offence.
    A careful examination of their work reveals a trend towards very early occurrence of head trauma that results in serious brain damage. The severity and age distribution of their dataset do not match those reported on overall (i.e. accidental and not accidental) pediatric head trauma. The British national enquiry (2) on overall pediatric head injury reports that 19% of injured children were younger than a year and that 21% of them had a Glasgow score below 15. Conversely, Jackson et al (1) show that 31% of head traumas occurred in the first year of life and that 38% of them resulted in loss of consciousness. An abundance of literature shows that, compared to children with accidental head trauma, abused children are more often < 1 year of age and hospitalized longer (3). Serious pediatric head injury in very young children is caused by inflicted trauma in a substantial number of cases. Brain hemorrhages are also markedly more common in abusive head injuries; this complication has been reported in 8-10% of children in the accident group (4), meanwhile Jackson et al (1) report the same in 18% of their subjects. Taken together, these data point at a large number...

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  • Evidence for a healthy migrant effect on mortality in England and Wales

    Hayes et al. [1] repeatedly cite a 2013 article by Scott and Timæus [2], also published in this journal, as having ‘not found a healthy migrant effect in South Asians’ and as providing ‘little evidence of a South Asian mortality advantage’. This contradicts our own interpretation of the results that we presented in that paper. We concluded that ‘Immigrants are selected for good health’. Moreover, with specific reference to South Asians, we stated that: ‘adjusted for SES and residence, … Indian, Pakistani, [and] Bangladeshi … immigrants all had lower mortality than UK-born Whites who were living in similar circumstances to them … This suggests that immigrants from the Indian subcontinent … are … selected for health’.

    We think it regrettable that Hayes et al. do not indicate to readers of their paper that their interpretation of the results in our paper is almost diametrically opposed to our own. Moreover, they provide no explanation whatsoever of why they came to the view that we had misinterpreted our results.

    Our study investigated all-cause mortality at ages 1−79 in 1991−2005 by self-reported ethnicity and country of birth. The data were from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study of England and Wales for the cohort aged 0−64 in 1991. Poisson regression was used to adjust the estimates for metropolitan residence and three indicators of socioeconomic status. In the fully-adjusted model, but not the model that adjusted only for age, sex and per...

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  • Absolute Risk Difference is what matters

    This paper makes a number of claims about health in the North relative to the South of England using comparisons of relatively low death rates. When the denominator in such calculations is a very low rate of death, the size of the difference can appear large. However, if we compare the absolute risk of dying, it is relatively close in the North and South and if we were to divide the rate of survival in the South by the rate of survival in the North each year, we would have a very small comparative statistic.

    Abstracts and conclusions can easily be taken out of context and authors of papers like this one should be careful to present appropriate information. For example, the conclusion "...1.2 million northern excess deaths under age 75 over five decades.." implies very high potential death rates, a million! But this figure is presented with no population and reflects experience over 50 years. If we divide by 50, we get 24,000 deaths a year. A further weakness is that no measure of population is provided to put this total number of deaths in context. Using a plausible estimate of 20 million, for example, implies excess deaths at a rate of about 1.2 per 1,000 people. I wonder how many residents of the North are planning to migrate South today to reduce their risk of an early death by just over 1 in 1,000. Yes we should be concerned about all differences in health across regions and social groups but by inflating them with misleading divisions of one small num...

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