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Background Although social inequalities in health are consistently observed across the lifecourse in different populations, there are methodological issues in describing whether these inequalities decrease in later life. The association between socioeconomic adversity and systemic inflammation is well documented in cross-sectional studies, however, the association between living in socioeconomic disadvantage and repeated systemic inflammation in older adults has not been examined in detail, particularly taking into account longitudinal patterns of missingness. Inference from longitudinal analyses of ageing populations is susceptible to biases arising from attrition and non-random dropout. The accumulation of drop-outs over several waves reduce the representativeness of the study population and certain subpopulations can be over or under-represented in the sample.
Methods 4,574 men and women aged 52 years and older from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) wave 2 onwards were analysed. ELSA is a prospective cohort study that is representative of the English population. C - reactive protein levels were measured in waves 2, 4, 6, and 8 (2004–2016). Latent growth curve models estimated the relationship between different measures of socioeconomic position (education, wealth, and social class) and C - reactive protein, compensating for missing data under different assumptions: complete case analysis, full information maximum likelihood, multiple imputation, Diggle-Kenward selection model, and pattern-mixture model. All models were adjusted for gender, age, ethnicity, and marital status.
Results At baseline in wave 2, we found differences between the most and least affluent categories of socioeconomic position. Participants with foreign or no qualifications (0.16 log(mg/l), 95% CI 0.09–0.23), participants in the lowest wealth tertile (0.24 log(mg/l), 95% CI 0.16–0.32), and participants in manual occupations (0.13 log(mg/l), 95% CI 0.07–0.19) had increased levels of C-Reactive protein compared to the most advantaged categories of education, wealth, and social class. Although, C - reactive protein levels decreased in later waves, the differences between the most and least socioeconomic advantaged groups remained large. Furthermore, differences between the Diggle-Kenward and other methods for compensating for missing data suggest that the missing completely at random and missing at random analyses underestimated socioeconomic differences in C-Reactive protein.
Conclusion This study demonstrates that living in socioeconomic disadvantage is associated with higher C - reactive protein levels over time and that the social discrepancies in health between the most and least affluent socioeconomic groups persist at older ages. It also highlights the importance of compensating for missingness in longitudinal studies with ageing participants who are susceptible to non-random drop out.