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P76 Secular trends and costs of management of acute myeloid leukaemia: evidence from population-based cancer registration data
  1. AO Ceilleachair1,
  2. M Cahill2,
  3. R McMorrow3,
  4. C Donnelly3
  1. 1School of Public Health, UCC, Cork, Ireland
  2. 2Haematology Dept., Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland
  3. 3National Cancer Registry Ireland, Cork, Ireland


Background Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is an aggressive blood cancer that, left untreated, proves fatal within a short period. Though numbers diagnosed annually are relatively small, treatment costs from induction therapy through to clinical remission potentially are in excess of €200,000. We present, for the first time, using cancer registration data, evidence on trends in the incidence of AML for Ireland, together with an assessment of the costs of manging the disease.

Methods Cancer registration data on individuals aged 20 years and older diagnosed with AML (ICD-10 C92.0) 1994–2013 were extracted from a population register. EASR and crude incidence rates were calculated with 95% confidence intervals by five-year age bands. Cases were assigned to one of four treatment pathways on the basis of patient characteristics. These were an intensive chemotherapy pathway, a pathway with bone marrow transplantation, a low intensity chemotherapy pathway and a best supportive care pathway. Resource use for each pathway was determined using clinical guidelines, the published literature and expert opinion. Costs were adjusted to 2016 prices.

Results There were 1,675 cases of adult AML between 1993 and 2013 with 733 (44%) in women and 942 in men (56%). There was a statistically significant annual percentage change of 2.45% in the incidence of AML in men while incidence in women also increased significantly by 1.21% per year…The costs associated with intensive chemotherapy management were €89,750 per case while the costs for transplantation, low-intensity chemotherapy and best supportive care were €145,220, €11,790 and €12,745 respectively. The annual cost of managing AML in Ireland between 2010 and 2015 was on average €12.8 million.

Conclusion The rising incidence of AML, together with improving survival means that more patients will be treated, achieve clinical remission and also require management for relapse. As novel treatments for this complex condition transition into practice, the costs of managing the disease will also rise. While routinely-collected cancer registration data can help to quantify this cost, better information on treatment patterns and recurrence will be necessary to accurately project and model the burden of this disease into the future.

  • Cancer
  • economics
  • data management

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