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South-East Asia regional workshop
RW1-2.4 Improving neonatal health in Thailand
  1. S Tripathi
  1. National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University, Thailand


The neonatal mortality rate in the country has shown a rapid decline from 14.8 per 1000 in 1990 to 6.5 per 1000 in 2010. This has been possible through various projects implemented from time to time which include 10 Steps for Breastfeeding; Mother and baby-friendly Hospital; Action for Safe Motherhood Program; Thalassaemia Prevention and Control project; Reduction of birth asphyxia project; Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS; the Nutrition and Development Corner and Healthy Daycare Center Project.

Approximately 97.9% of all births in Thailand take place in a hospital or institution, and are assisted by professionally trained health personnel (doctors/ nurses/midwives). If the birth occurs at home assisted by others, that is, village health volunteer, traditional birth attendant, the midwife or a doctor or nurse would make a follow-up visit to check on the health of the woman and the baby. The MCH services system at community level is complemented by the hospital component, made up of a network of community hospitals at district level, provincial, regional hospitals, MCH hospitals, and university hospitals. All levels are linked together by an established referral system. All pregnant women are given the MCH Booklet and Pregnancy Pathway at the first antenatal visit. The new universal health insurance policy of government since 2002 in a form of capitation payment system guarantees healthcare for all.

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