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Global health
SP4-39 Nutritional Vigilance System of Community: a lot quality assurance sampling for monitoring coverage of a nutritional knowledge and attitudes clues from mothers of children 0 to 23 months of age in Bolivia
  1. H Castillo1,2,
  2. K I Candia1,2,
  3. A Sucre1,2,
  4. A M Aguilar1,2
  1. 1Ministry of Health and Sport, La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia
  2. 2Zero Malnutrition Program, La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia


Background This study reports on the results of a largescale targeted of nutritional promotional interventions in Bolivian municipalities with high Food Insecurity and Vulnerability classification.

Methods The lot quality assurance sampling (LQAS) method was used for the assessment of the geographical municipalities' coverage in Bolivia, as part Zero Malnutrition Program a government politics, between April and December of 2010. The mothers of children 0 and 23 months of age of 134 municipalities were interview using a structured questionnaire. The municipalities had a four and five score of Food Insecurity and Vulnerability classification. The collet data for this study, 134 interview teams were hired. The coordination of teams received 32 h of training. During data collection (April to November 2010), 22 technical advisors provided supervision and technical support. Part of the mothers was interviewed in language native.

Results The significant general decrease in the coverage proportions of nutritional attitudes indicators in relation to knowledge indicators was observed. The coverage proportions of any breastfeeding and the exclusive breastfeeding attitude decrease in comparison with the knowledge indicators, the same form with the complementary alimentary (Nutribebe® and Chispitas®).

Conclusion The LQAS incorporate in the Nutritional Vigilance System of Community is seen as a valuable tool for the routine monitoring of the geographical coverage and permit identify quantitative differences between attitudes and knowledges in mothers of children 0 and 23 months of age from which is was possible to reformulate of nutritional promotional interventions in the municipality.

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