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Training in Epidemiology in Europe is evolving. The European Epidemiology Federation IEA-EEF felt the need to know more about existing training possibilities and therefore conducted a survey “Degrees in Epidemiology” with the aim to create an inventory of academic institutions offering formal training in Epidemiology.
Methods Online Survey starting in April 2010, still going on.
Results Up to December 2010 eleven universities gave information on programs leading to an MSc and/or PhD in Epidemiology. Several programs started between 2006 and 2008. We estimate, that there are more than 300 students enrolled each year in European programs. An update of this survey will be presented at the conference.
Conclusion When for many years the possibilities to study Epidemiology in Europe were restricted to very few well known places and many students went overseas, there are now increasing possibilities to study epidemiology “at home”. This may help to strengthen our discipline.