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Global problems
P2-465 Regional variation in histopathology-specific incidence of invasive cervical cancer among Peruvian women
  1. C P Campbell1,
  2. M P Curado2,
  3. S Harlow1,
  4. A Soliman1
  1. 1Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  2. 2Cancer Information Section, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France


Introduction This study aimed to evaluate cervical cancer patterns in Peru by examining the variation in two common histopathologic types, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinoma (ADC), and analysing differences over time.

Methods Data on invasive cervical cancer incidence was obtained from three population-based cancer registries in Peru: Lima, Arequipa, and Trujillo. A cervical cancer-specific quality assessment was performed on each registry. Crude and age-specific incidence rates per 100 000 were calculated for overall, SCC- and ADC-specific cervical cancers, and time trends analysed.

Results Lima and Trujillo demonstrated acceptable data quality; however, Arequipa was questionable. Incidence rates for overall cervical cancer were significantly different across registries: Arequipa (47.2), Trujillo (36.1), and Lima (18.9). Rates for SCC were significantly lower in Lima (14.0) as compared to Arequipa (29.7) and Trujillo (30.0). Rates for ADC did not differ significantly across registries. Time trend analyses showed significant declines in overall and SCC-specific rates in Trujillo. No other time trends were found. Age-specific analyses showed that young women (15–29 years) in Trujillo and Arequipa experienced significant increases in ADC-specific rates over time.

Conclusion Cancer registry data showed that overall and histopathology-specific cervical cancer incidence rates varied across regions of Peru, and over time. The use of cancer registry data proved to be an efficient method for evaluating cervical cancer incidence patterns in Peru. We suggest supplementing current screening methods with newer preventive methods to combat the rising incidence of ADC among young women in Peru.

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