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Chronic disease
P2-244 Apolipoprotein E genotype, lipoproteins and ischaemic heart disease in Lithuanian population
  1. J Petkeviciene,
  2. A Smalinskiene,
  3. D Luksiene,
  4. K Jureniene,
  5. A Tamosiunas,
  6. J Klumbiene,
  7. V Lesauskaite
  1. Medical Academy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania


Introduction The aim of the study was to assess the frequency of APOE genotypes and their relationship with serum lipoproteins and prevalence of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in Lithuanian population.

Methods Cross- sectional health survey was carried out in representative random samples of Lithuanian urban and rural population (936 men and 1115 women) aged 25–70. Serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) was determined by enzymatic methods. Three APOE genotypes were identified by polymerase chain reaction: APOE2 for those subjects carrying ε2/2 or ε2/3 genotypes, APOE3 - for ε3/3 genotype, and APOE4 for - ε3/4 or ε4/4 genotypes. IHD was diagnosed according to the data of medical history and medical records, Rose questionnaire and by the Minnesota codes of electrocardiogram. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to explore the impact of APOE genotype on risk of IHD.

Results The frequencies of APOE genotypes did not differ between men and women. The observed frequency of APOE3 genotype was the highest (63%). APOE2 genotype and APOE4 genotype were found in 17% and 17.2% of population respectively. In both genders individuals with APOE2 genotype had the lowest level of LDL-C. After adjustment for age and other conventional IHD risk factors, the OR for myocardial infarction for APOE2 men vs APOE3 men was 0.12 (95% CI 0.02 to 0.84). No relationship was found between APOE genotypes and IHD in women.

Conclusion This study suggests that APOE genotype influences the level of plasma lipoproteins in both gender and risk of IHD in men.

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