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Chronic disease
P2-194 High prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Japanese immigrant in south Brazil
  1. S Mizushima1,
  2. E Moriguchi2,
  3. N Morikawa1,
  4. Y Imamatsu3,
  5. E Tadaka3
  1. 1Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan
  2. 2Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
  3. 3Yokohama City University Graduate School of Nursing, Yokohama, Japan


Introduction Prevalence of obesity and related risk factors, recognised as Metabolic Syndrome (MetS), are influenced by environmental factors including diets and physical activities, which immigrant study can show evidence.

Objectives To assess prevalence of obesity and its related risk factors among Japanese immigrant population in South Brazil compared with representative Japanese data in Japan.

Methods In August 2010, from 12 scattered colonies of Japanese immigrants in Santa Catalina and Rio Grande do Sul States, in Brazil, 274 immigrants were recruited. MetS was determined, according to Japanese Guideline, waist circumference 85 cm or over for males and 90 cm or over for females, with at least 2 accumulated related risk factors such as hypertension, high blood sugar, high triglyceride and low HDL cholesterol. Prevalence were compared with representative Japanese data report from National Health and Nutrition Survey.

Results 243 participants, 117 males and 126 females, completed questionnaire and measurements. Elderly people aged 65 and over were 58.2% in males and 61.9% in females. Prevalence (%) of overweight, BMI>25.0, were 36.3/24. for males/females, whereas 28.6 /20.6 in Japan. Waist circumference more than 85 cm for male and 90 cm for female, were 80.2/38.4 whereas 52.9/17.9 in Japan. Hypertension, SBP>140 and/or DBP>90, were 60.9/57.4, whereas 42.8/31.5 in Japan. Probable diabetes, FBS>126 mg/dl, and high triglyceride, >150 mg/dl, were almost same. Metabolic syndrome were noted 41.8/12.6 whereas 25.3/10.6 in Japan.

Conclusion High prevalence of MetS among Japanese Immigrant Population with big dietary change in South Brazil was indicated.

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