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Chronic disease
P2-106 Screening of lung function disorders among smokers in primary healthcare: A Russian Study
  1. E Andreeva1,
  2. I Kudryavtseva1,
  3. A Grjibovski2,3
  1. 1International School of Public Health, Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  2. 2Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
  3. 3Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway


Introduction Smoking is the main risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The prevalence of smoking in Russian Federation is one of the highest in the world. Many cases of COPD remain undiagnosed; therefore screening of COPD is an important task of the primary healthcare service. This study aims to estimate lung function disorders among smoking in primary healthcare in Northwest Russia.

Methods Altogether, 414 individuals, both smokers (89%) and ex-smokers (11%) were invited and filled out questionnaires on smoking status and symptoms of COPD. Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb%) and COppm were measured with a smokelyzer. A standardised pulmonary function test with bronchodilatator for detection of bronchial obstruction were performed in smokers and ex-smokers, and patients with symptoms.

Results Mean age in the sample was 42.1 years (62.3% were males). The average smoking history was 25 pack-years for men and 14.8 pack-years for women. High level of COHb (>3%) was detected in 35.9% of smokers. Linear regression analysis revealed positive association between CO and the number of cigarettes smoked per day (p<0.001). 75.4% had symptoms (cough, sputum and dyspnoea). COPD was detected in 28 individuals (6%). [COPD I in 11; COPD II in 13 and COPD III in four individuals].

Conclusion Screening for COPD among smokers seems to be beneficial for early detection of COPD.

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