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Chronic disease
P2-95 Obesity increases 28% in 3 years in premenopausal low-income Chilean women independently of body size misperception
  1. M L Garmendia1,
  2. F Alonso1,
  3. J Kain2,
  4. C Corvalan1,
  5. M de Aguirre1,
  6. J Searle1
  1. 1School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile
  2. 2Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile
  3. 3Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile


Introduction How body image perception (BIP) influences changes in Body Mass Index (BMI) in adult women has not been evaluated.

Objective To assess BMI-changes over a 3-year period and their relationship with BIP in a Chilean women population-based cohort.

Methods Weight and height were measured at baseline (32.0±7.0 y) and at follow-up in 510 women participants in the GOCS study. BMI was used to classify women in normal (≤25 kg/m2), overweight (>25 kg/m2), or obese (>30 kg/m2). BIP was self-assessed at baseline using the Stunkard Figure Rating Scale (nine figures from very thin to very obese). BIP-discrepancy was defined as the disagreement between measured-BMI and assigned-BMI of the selected figure (defined on a previous validation study). Multivariate linear regression was used to assess the influence of BIP on BMI-changes stratifying by nutritional status and controlling for potential confounders (ie, parity, schooling, age).

Results At baseline, 61% had excess weight (37% overweight and 24% obese). In 3 years, this number increased to 70% (38% overweight and 31% obese). One out of 4 increased their BMI category, particularly normal women (28.9% from normal to overweight and 22.5% from overweight to obesity). At baseline, BIP-discrepancy was 66% and was associated to concurrent BMI only in obese (p-for-interaction <0.05; coefficientall sample=0.48; 95% CI −0.49 to 1.45; coefficientobese=1.65, 95% CI 0.03 to 3.28). BIP-discrepancy was unrelated to the 3-year changes in BMI (p-for-interaction >0.05, coefficient =−0.45, 95% CI −0.95 to 0.04).

Conclusion In 3 years we observe a large BMI increase among young women of a post-transitional country. Body size misperception does not explain this large increase. Population strategies are needed to stop this detrimental trend.

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  • Funding Fondecyt1090252.