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Epidemiology and policy
P1-358 Record based data evaluation of 108 -emergency response services- a help to know the pattern of emergencies in Madhya Pradesh
  1. N Toppo,
  2. P Kasar,
  3. A Bhadoriya
  1. NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India


Introduction GVK EMRI (GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute) is World's Largest Integrated Emergency Response Services (ERS) Provider. It is not—for—profit professional organization operating in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. This is a free service delivered through state- of -art emergency call response centers and has over 2000 ambulances providing necessary professional pre-hospital care while transporting the victim to the nearest hospital. In our state it was launched on 16 July 2009.


  1. To determine the type of emergencies reported by 108-ERS.

  2. To determine the proportion of emergencies brought to medical college hospital by 108-ERS.

  3. To determine the impact of 108-ERS on emergency medical services.

Methods Type of study- Record based data evaluation.

  • Study area: Four Districts of M.P.

  • Research period- 1 August 2010 to 31 August 2010.

  • Tools and techniques: Review of secondary data from 108-ERS, Jabalpur and MRD of NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur.

Results 74 557 individuals get benefitted in M.P. till 31 July 2010 from the launch. Out of which 25 000 (33.53%) were pregnancy related emergencies, followed by 16 986 (22.78%) of road traffic accidents and 6494 (8.7%) were of acute abdomen. About one tenth of total emergency cases seen in emergency department of NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur were brought by 108-ERS. Above 6000 lives saved by this 108- Emergency response service in Madhya Pradesh.

Conclusion Record based data are a great help to formulate policies and strategies to improve the health services in any state or country.

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