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Reaching the poor with health, nutrition, and population services: What works, what doesn’t, and why
  1. Suzanne R Sicchia

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    R Davidson Gwatkin, A Wagstaff, S Abdo Yazbeck. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2005, $30.00, pp 376. ISBN 0-8213-5961-7

    Many public and private health programmes fail to reach the poor. Instead, they disproportionately benefit those who are more economically advantaged. Concern over this inequity is central to the Reaching the Poor Program, a joint project of the World Bank, Gates Foundation, and Dutch and Swedish governments. Reaching the Poor with Health, Nutrition and Population Services: What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why, by Gwatkin and colleagues, reports on the findings of this larger initiative. It begins with a detailed …

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