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Loving culture for a better life
  1. Diana Gil
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Diana Gil
 Preventive Medicine and Public Health Area, University of Alicante, Campus San Vicente del Raspeig, Ap 99 03080, San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante), Spain; Diana.Gil{at}

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Cultural liberties are an important tool for human development.1 A wide approach to development cannot forget this human right. However, ethnicity continues to be a reason for social exclusion.2 Moreover, a lot of groups are suffering a kind of exclusion based in their way of life.1 Cultural neo-colonialism acts in the countries themselves and between them. But perhaps, one of the most important aspects to increase peace is to promote multicultural democracies. The degree of cultural representation could contribute to achieving more equity in power. Also to respect the personal and communitarian identity, people’s own beliefs and the way to express them. The policies addressed to the improvement of people’s health and life should necessarily include the cultural dimension.

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Popular welcome in an environmental school. Varela, San Domingos, Guinea Bissau.