Table of contents
March 2006 - Volume 60 - 3
In this issue
- In this issue (13 February, 2006)
Women's health
Continuing professional education
- What same sex civil partnerships may mean for health (13 February, 2006)
- Infectious diseases epidemiology (13 February, 2006)
The JECH gallery
- A sign of the times (13 February, 2006)
Evidence based public health policy and practice
- Effect of area poverty rate on cancer screening across US communities (13 February, 2006)
- The polypill: at what price would it become cost effective? (13 February, 2006)
Aphorism of the month
- Public health is investment not cost (13 February, 2006)
Research reports
- Socioeconomic lifecourse influences on women’s smoking status in early adulthood (13 February, 2006)
- Injury mortality among ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands (13 February, 2006)
- Respiratory diseases and pesticide exposure: a case-control study in Lebanon (13 February, 2006)
- Myocardial infarction deaths after high level exposure to particulate matter (13 February, 2006)
- Socioeconomic position and sleep quantity in UK adults (13 February, 2006)
- Hygieia (13 February, 2006)