Table of contents
February 2006 - Volume 60 - 2
In this issue
- In this issue (13 January, 2006)
Research methods
- Systematic reviews of meta-analyses: applications and limitations (13 January, 2006)
- Where now for pharmacist led medication review? (13 January, 2006)
The JECH gallery
- Credit unions: “a proud history of protecting the poor” (13 January, 2006)
- Love pounds, tons of inequities (13 January, 2006)
Speaker's corner
- Licensing Britain’s alcohol epidemic (13 January, 2006)
Continuing professional education
- Indicators of socioeconomic position (part 2) (13 January, 2006)
Literature and epidemiology
- Paths to and from poverty in late 19th century novels (13 January, 2006)
Research reports
- Roads, railways, and childhood cancers (13 January, 2006)
- Could dehydration in infancy lead to high blood pressure? (13 January, 2006)
- Breast feeding is related to C reactive protein concentration in adult women (13 January, 2006)
- Is there a “school effect” on pupil outcomes? A review of multilevel studies (13 January, 2006)
- Children’s use of general practitioner services in the five Nordic countries (13 January, 2006)
Aphorism of the month
Theory and methods
- Hygieia (13 January, 2006)