Table of contents
December 2004 - Volume 58 - 12
In this issue
- The journal of the increasingly relevant (16 November, 2004)
Public health policy
- A tentative step towards healthy public policy (16 November, 2004)
Continuing professional education
- A glossary of terms for navigating the field of social network analysis (16 November, 2004)
Evidence based public health policy and practice
- Lead free (16 November, 2004)
Speaker's corner
- Health proverbs (16 November, 2004)
Research reports
- Fear of racism and health (16 November, 2004)
- Multiple sclerosis after infectious mononucleosis: record linkage study (16 November, 2004)
The JECH gallery
- Inequality in a Guarani graveyard (16 November, 2004)
- Schools in socially contrasting neighbourhoods (16 November, 2004)
Aphorism of the month
- Archie Cochrane: Back to the front (16 November, 2004)
- Global AIDS: myths and facts (16 November, 2004)
- Epidemiologic methods. Studying the occurrence of illness (16 November, 2004)
- CORRECTION (16 November, 2004)
- Hygieia (16 November, 2004)