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The right to health of the European Union citizens. A strategy for a social European construction
  1. M Garcia,
  2. M Sanchez Bayle
  1. Secretario y Portavoz respectivamente de la Federación de Asociaciones para la Defensa de la Sanidad Publica, Madrid, Spain
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr M Sanchez Bayle; 

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The fundamentals of the European construction were only economic until the Unique Act was passed. Then some social aspects were partially incorporated.

Several advances in the field of common citizens’ rights have, indeed, been introduced (free movement and residency, etc). Advances in matters such as education, health care, culture, and the fight against illicit drugs have been quite limited.

In the field of health policies, only a few measures of health protection to prevent diseases by means of research, improvement of …

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