Table of contents
November 2000 - Volume 54 - 11
In this number
- The JECH Gallery: a call for public health photographs (1 November, 2000)
- Good intentions and received wisdom are not enough (1 November, 2000)
- Researching the changing social pattern of cardiovascular diseases (1 November, 2000)
Research reports
Theory and methods
- Images and reflections: photography in the pursuit of public health (1 November, 2000)
- Breast cancer hypothesis: a single cause for the majority of cases (1 November, 2000)
Public health policy and practice
- The health of the Roma people: a review of the published literature (1 November, 2000)
Short reports
Letters to the editor
- Marital status and suicide: some common methodological problems (1 November, 2000)
- Neonatal mortality by place of delivery in São Paulo, Brazil (1 November, 2000)
- Family doctor advice and pneumococcal vaccine uptake (1 November, 2000)
Book review
- Dilemmas in community mental health practice: choice or control. (1 November, 2000)