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Changes in the incidence of acute appendicitis in Glasgow Asian and white children between 1971 and 1985.
  1. L M Matheson,
  2. J B Henderson,
  3. D Hole,
  4. M G Dunnigan
  1. Medical Division, Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow.


    Between 1971 and 1985 there was a significant rise in the annual hospital discharge rate for acute appendicitis in Glasgow Asian boys aged 10-19.9 years. A smaller and statistically insignificant rise occurred in Asian girls of 10-19.9 years; discharge rates for younger Asian boys and girls did not change significantly. In keeping with national trends, discharge rates for acute appendicitis in all Glasgow children fell significantly between 1971-85. The divergent trend in older Asian children may reflect dietary adaptation which is most marked in older Asian boys.

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