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Type A behaviour and prevalent heart disease in the Caerphilly study: increase in risk or symptom reporting?
  1. J E Gallacher,
  2. J W Yarnell,
  3. B K Butland
  1. MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cardiff.


    Type A behaviour was assessed by modified Framingham scale in a total sample of 1956 employed men in the Caerphilly study. Prevalent heart disease was measured by cardiovascular questionnaire to obtain evidence of myocardial infarction and angina, and by electrocardiogram (ECG) for evidence of ischaemia. Type A was inversely related to age and systolic blood pressure and was positively related to social class and height. It was not related to serum cholesterol or alcohol consumption. After control for age, systolic blood pressure, height, smoking and social class, type A was found to be independent of angina but positively associated with an increased risk of possible myocardial infarction (MI). Type A was also associated with increased risk of confirmed MI. An inverse association was found between type A and asymptomatic ischaemic heart disease (IHD). The association between type A and symptomatic IHD could be due to symptom reporting.

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