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Four-year mortality by some socioeconomic indicators: the Oslo study.
  1. I Holme,
  2. A Helgeland,
  3. I Hjermann,
  4. P Leren,
  5. P G Lund-Larsen


    The association between four-year mortality and some socioeconomic indicators has been studied in al Oslo men aged 40--49, invited to a screening programme for cardiovascular disease, and in a 'healthy' subgroup of participating men free of cardiovascular disease and diabetes at screening. The lowest social class exhibited a much higher total mortality than the other classes. This was pronounced for a variety of causes of death, such as cancer of the lung, accidents and homicide, and coronary heart disease. The negative mortality gradient by increasing socioeconomic status can to a certain degree be 'explained' by the coronary risk factor pattern.

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