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Follow-up studies on the distribution of haemoglobin levels in female farm workers.
  1. M Futatsuka,
  2. W Koyama,
  3. Y Arimatsu,
  4. A Ueda,
  5. T Hitoshi,
  6. T Ueda,
  7. R Yasutake,
  8. S Tanaka,
  9. J Misumi,
  10. S Nomura


    Haemoglobin concentrations in about 1000 women agricultural workers in Japan were measured every year, except in 1972, during the period 1967-77. Improvements were noted in the course of this investigation, and these were predominantly associated with the fact that those in the study community began to pay attention to the problem of low haemoglobin levels and to improve their diet, with an increase in daily food intake, particularly of animal protein and iron. In addition, a marked decrease in anaemia caused by hookworm also played an important role. In this paper, the change in haemoglobin concentration during the period of study are described and the aetiology is discussed.

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