Table of contents
February 1974 - Volume 28 - 1
- A review of investigations into adenotonsillectomy (1 February, 1974)
- Some features of the distribution of birthweight of human infants (1 February, 1974)
- Patterns of self poisoning (1 February, 1974)
- Pattern of poisoning in a developing agricultural country (1 February, 1974)
- Control of smoking and price of cigarettes — a comment (1 February, 1974)
- Executive Council lists and general practitioner files (1 February, 1974)
- Rubella screening and immunization of schoolgirls: a long-term evaluation (1 February, 1974)
- Lipoprotein types, serum cholesterol, and ABO blood groups (1 February, 1974)
Research Article
- A note on a 'close pairs' test for space clustering. (1 February, 1974)
- Proceedings: Methods of analysis of symptom patterns. (1 February, 1974)
- Proceedings: Cyclic variation of obstetric phenomena in Cardiff. (1 February, 1974)
- Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in Southampton (1 February, 1974)
- Proceedings: Accid;ntal child poisoning and health education. (1 February, 1974)
- Proceedings: Evaluation of social work in the mental health field. (1 February, 1974)
- Mutiple-cause analysis of deaths of patients treated with radio-iodine. (1 February, 1974)
- Person-to-person transmission of hodgkin's disease. (1 February, 1974)
- Occurrence of childhood neoplasms in sibships. (1 February, 1974)
- Proceedings: A study of breast cancer on the Isle of Wight. (1 February, 1974)
- Proceedings: Medical care for stroke patients in a defined community. (1 February, 1974)
- Proceedings: Locomotor disability--a study of need in an urban community. (1 February, 1974)