Table 1

Per cent (and N) distribution of baseline and life history health, demographic, and socioeconomic characteristics, by gender and paid work post state pension age

Not in paid work at wave 3In paid work at wave 3p ValueNot in paid work at wave 3In paid work at wave 3p Value
Baseline (wave 2) characteristics
 Depression15.1 (111)10.3 (13)NS25.1 (216)17.0 (49)***
 Sleep disturbance*28.7 (187)20.0 (24)**32.0 (252)26.9 (71)NS
 Somatic health (mean)†−0.0260.345***−0.1800.182***
 Not smoking84.6 (620)90.5 (114)NS84.4 (724)84.7 (243)NS
 Vigorous physical activity 1+/week22.7 (197)21.1 (30)NS16.6 (167)24.7 (83)***
 Age (mean)69.768.5***64.762.7***
 Never married5.3 (39)1.6 (2)NS3.4 (29)3.1 (9)***
 Married/cohabiting77.9 (572)84.9 (107)69.3 (597)68.5 (198)
 Divorced/separated8.6 (63)10.3 (13)12.4 (107)19.4 (56)
 Widowed8.2 (60)3.2 (4)14.9 (128)9.0 (26)
 No education33.7 (246)23.8 (30)**38.6 (331)25.0 (72)***
 Some education39.0 (270)35.7 (45)40.9 (351)41.7 (120)
 High education29.3 (214)40.5 (51)20.5 (176)33.3 (96)
 Highest wealth quintile18.9 (137)27.9 (34)**19.6 (167)23.9 (67)NS
 Own outright75.4 (553)71.4 (90)NS72.2 (621)59.9 (173)***
 Mortgage10.1 (74)15.1 (19)14.1 (121)32.5 (94)
 Rent14.5 (106)13.5 (17)13.7 (118)7.6 (22)
 No care provided90.7 (666)94.4 (119)NS83.9 (722)87.9 (254)**
 Cared <15 hours/week5.3 (39)4.0 (5)7.2 (62)8.0 (23)
 Cared 15+ hours/week4.0 (29)1.6 (2)8.9 (77)4.1 (12)
Life course
 Ever left employer because of ill health22.2 (163)8.7 (11)***25.6 (220)9.7 (28)***
 2 or more periods of ill health in adulthood15.7 (115)6.4 (8)***20.2 (174)6.9 (20)***
 SRH as good, very good or excellent in childhood88.3 (648)92.0 (115)NS83.4 (717)90.0 (260)***
Total respondents (N)85.4% (734)14.6% (126)74.9% (861)25.1% (289)
  • Source: ELSA 2004/2005, 2006/2007, 2008/2009, ELSA life history, nurse visit at wave 2. Own calculations; unweighted data.

  • p Values refer to the relevant statistical tests (ie, Student's t-test, ANOVA or χ2 tests); **, ***: significant at the 0.05 and 0.0l levels, respectively.

  • *Sleep disturbance was only collected at wave 4; therefore the associations displayed in this table are based on those respondents who provided answers about their quality of sleep at follow-up.

  • †Somatic health was calculated only for respondents who had a nurse visit at wave 2.

  • ANOVA, analysis of variance; ELSA, English Longitudinal Study of Ageing; NS, not significant.