Table 2

Sensitivity analyses: Logistic regression of transitions into self-rated ill-health among respondents 18–64 years in 23 European countries (z values within parenthesis)

Model I†Model II‡Model IIIModel IVModel V
Country level effects
 Ui coverage rate−0.753* (0.372)−0.860** (0.147)−1.358* (0.670)−1.397** (0.436)
 ΔUi coverage rate−1.531 (0.833)−0.984 (1.131)
 Ui replacement rate0.474* (0.232)0.224** (0.088)0.443* (0.228)0.424 (0.246)
 ΔUi replacement rate1.388 (1.167)−0.461 (0.747)
 CEE countries0.664 (0.443)
 South countries0.222 (0.239)
  • *p<0.05; **p<0.01, using cluster robust SEs if not stated otherwise. All regression models include a constant and the full set of control variables, including GDP per capita in purchasing power adjusted amounts, social spending as percentage of GDP, self-rated health in 2006, age, sex, employment status (employed, unemployed, inactive, student) and family type (single person, lone parent, couple without children and two-parent family with children).

  • †Using an alternative coding of self-rated health where the ‘fair’ response category is included in the ‘good health’ category.

  • ‡Random intercept multilevel logistic regression (xtlogit command in Stata) without panel weights.

  • CEE countries, Central and Eastern European countries; GDP, gross domestic product; South countries, Southern European countries; Ui, unemployment insurance; Δ, change between 2006 and 2009.