Table 1

Analytical frameworks for examining sexual and reproductive health (SRH) indicators in Global Fund-supported HIV programmes

Frameworks SRH careFrameworks Linkage of SRH–HIV servicesFrameworks SRH–HIV integration and linkages in Global Fund-supported programmes

Global Reproductive Health Strategy33

Recommended interventions for Improving Maternal and Newborn Health34

Framework for Priority Linkages between SRH and HIV/AIDS19

Strengthening linkages for sexual and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS25

Most important output indicators (‘Top Ten’)32

Practical Guidelines for Intensifying HIV Prevention36

Five core components

Antenatal, delivery, postpartum and newborn care

Family planning services

Elimination of unsafe abortion

Control of sexually transmitted infections including HIV, reproductive-tract infections, cervical cancer

Promoting sexual health

Linkage in four priority areas

Learn HIV status and access services

Promote safer and healthier sex

Optimise the connection between HIV/AIDS and STI services

Integrate HIV/AIDS with maternal and infant health

Linkage by

Service settings

Key target populations

Output indicators measuring SRH care (Relevant ‘Top Ten’ indicators)

Voluntary counselling and testing

Condoms delivered

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections

Behaviour change communication services on HIV prevention (behavioural change communication) for:

General population

Young /pregnant women, young people

High-risk groups including injecting-drug users, sex workers and men who have sex with men

HIV-positive pregnant women receiving a complete course of antiretroviral prophylaxis for prevention of mother-to-child transmission

Care and support services for people living with HIV/AIDS