Table 1

Distribution of bewitched deaths by background factors and socioeconomic status in Agincourt subdistrict, 1992–2006

Background and socioeconomic factorsBewitchedNon-bewitchedP value
Mean age in years (95% CI)36.12 (33.76 to 38.48)42.81 (42.15 to 43.46)<0.001*
Age and sex, n (%)
 <1592 (6.9)1237 (93.1)<0.001*
 15–49 male93 (6.2)1411 (93.8)
 15–49 female110 (8.5)1191 (91.5)
 50+111 (4.1)2629 (96.0)
Nationality, n (%)
 Mozambican origin92 (5.1)1728 (95.0)0.071
 South African origin313 (6.2)4721 (93.8)
Year of death, n (%)
 1992–199441 (5.8)668 (94.2)0.484
 1995–199751 (5.9)816 (94.1)
 1998–200082 (7.0)1085 (93.0)
 2001–2003109 (5.8)1775 (94.2)
 2004–2006123 (5.5)2124 (94.5)
Highest education level, n (%)
 None148 (4.7)3033 (95.4)<0.001*
 Primary99 (6.4)1447 (93.6)
 Secondary or above94 (7.5)1154 (92.5)
Wealth group, n (%)
 Most poor61 (5.6)1018 (94.4)0.859
 264 (5.7)1055 (94.3)
 375 (5.6)1266 (94.4)
 486 (6.3)1279 (93.7)
 Least poor84 (6.4)1233 (93.6)
Cumulative household deaths, n (%)
 1254 (6.1)3897 (93.9)0.272
 275 (5.1)1386 (94.9)
 3 or more41 (6.7)569 (93.3)
Terminal illness duration, n (%)
 Sudden/acute (<2 weeks)120 (7.2)1544 (92.8)0.031*
 Chronic (>2 weeks)250 (5.7)4119 (94.3)
Treatment sought for terminal illness, n (%)
 None27 (4.7)550 (95.3)<0.001*
 Western only87 (3.9)2146 (96.1)
 Western and traditional32 (12.8)219 (87.3)
 Traditional only240 (7.4)2998 (92.6)
  • * Statistically significant associations.