Table 2

Mixed model for longitudinal trends in serum cortisol levels among a bi-ethnic cohort of children

Model 1Model 2
Age (Tanner 1)−0.0140.014−1.00−0.0250.016−1.56
Age (Tanner 2)−0.020*0.012−1.67−0.028**0.014−2.00
Age (Tanner 3)−0.0140.012−1.16−0.023*0.013−1.76
Age (Tanner 4 and 5)−0.0110.011−1.00−0.0160.012−1.33
Total fat mass−0.0480.030−1.60−0.0340.033−1.03
Gender, female−0.0140.045−0.310.0040.0470.085
Neighbourhood index−0.018*0.011−1.64
Log likelihood396.3350.5
p Value0.0010.001
  • Age (Tanner) refers to Tanner stage nested in age.

  • Neighbourhood index consisted of z-score tabulations of percentage of unemployment, poverty, single female-headed households with dependent children and percentage of vacant housing.

  • Significance levels were set at *p<0.05; **p<0.01.

  • B, unstandardised coefficient; β, standardised coefficient.