Table 4

 Acculturation and mental health: logistic regression models with strengths and difficulties questionnaire as a binary “caseness” as outcome

OR95%CIp ValueOR95%CIp Value
Traditional0.730.49 to to 1.40.93
Assimilated0.990.64 to 1.530.961.210.81 to 1.80.35
Age + gender by year group interactionMarginalised11
Traditional0.730.48 to to 1.320.86
Assimilated0.980.7 to 1.40.881.220.85 to 1.750.29
Integrated0.60.41 to 0.880.010.690.46 to 1.010.06
Above + eligible for free school meals, car, + roomsMarginalised11
Traditional0.730.48 to 1.130.160..970.7 to 1.30.83
Assimilated0.950.66 to 1.370.791.210.86 to 1.730.27
Integrated0.560.36 to 0.870.010.680.45 to 1.020.06
Above + ethnic groupMarginalised11
Traditional0.80.5 to 1.280.350.970.7 to 1.340.83
Assimilated0.880.62 to 1.240.471.220.84 to 1.780.3
Integrated0.560.36 to 0.870.010.680.45 to 1.030.07
Above + religion and years in UKMarginalised11
Traditional0.790.5 to 1.250.320.950.68 to 1.340.78
Assimilated0.860.6 to 1.230.401.230.86 to 1.760.26
Integrated0.570.37 to 0.870.0090.70.47 to 1.10.09