Table 2

(A) Classifying perceptions of neighbourhood reported by survey respondents

Perceptions of neighbourhoodCategoriesTypical responses
Neighbourhood likesSocial“People in the neighbourhood look out for each other.”
“It’s small and you know people.”
Physical“It’s got’s actually green.”
“I like the amenities and transportation is so convenient.”
Neighbourhood dislikesSocial“Places in my areas are rented and some of the landlords do not check to see who they are renting to and this makes the neighbourhood somewhat unsafe.”
“It’s not safe to go out alone after dark.”
Physical“My street has become very noisy.”
“Pollution from the steel company.”
Neighbourhood improvementsSocial“Get rid of prostitutes and drug people.”
“Probably if we had more community sponsored activities, fitness, crafts.”
Physical“Less traffic and noise.”
“Cut down on the amount of transport such as trucks that come into the neighbourhood...maybe industrial is what I’m getting at then to improve the air quality.”