Table 2

Age-sex adjusted associations between individual and area level sociodemographic characteristics and SF-36 physical component summary (PCS) scores (β coefficients (standard errors))

**p<0.01; ***p<0.001 for F test of overall significance; †β coefficients (standard errors) from linear regression adjusting for age and sex; a higher PCS score represents better physical functional health, therefore a positive coefficient implies better health and a negative coefficient implies worse health as compared with baseline.
Social class
Marital status
    Married/living as married
    Never married−0.9(0.6)−0.4(0.5)−0.6(0.4)
Employment status
    Not working−5.4(0.3)***−3.7(0.3)***−4.4(0.2)***
Educational attainment
    No qualifications
    To age 162.1(0.4)0.9(0.3)1.3(0.2)
    To age 181.2(0.3)0.8(0.2)0.9(0.2)
    Degree level2.7(0.3)***1.4(0.3)***2.0(0.2)***
Multiple deprivation
per SD increase−0.8(0.1)***−0.5(0.1)***−0.6(0.1)***