Table 1

Comparison of demographic characteristics of the respondents and the tutors

Demographic characteristicsRespondentsTutorsχ2
N(%)N(%)p Value
NA, not available.
Number of doctors137183
Mean (SD) age44.4 (9.4)NANA
Age group
    Young (25–40)49(36.0)NANA
    Middle (41–55)71(52.2)NA
    Old (56–70)16(11.8)NA
Place of primary medical education
    Hong Kong97(72.4)130(71.0)0.94
    Non-HK and non-Western7(5.2)11(6.0)
Postgraduate qualification
Years of graduation
Professional experience
Primary practice setting
    Solo practice92(67.6)114(62.3)0.003
    Group practice25(18.4)18(9.8)
    Community health centre19(14.0)51(27.9)
Type of clinic
    Both private and public1(0.7)NA