Table 4

Frequency of low birth weight (LBW), preterm delivery, and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and mean (SD) birth weight, mean gestation length, and mean birth weight adjusted for length of gestation, according to frequency of fish intake. Only those mothers who ate no shellfish included in the analysis

LBW% (n)Preterm% (n)IUGR% (n)Birth weightGestation (weeks)Adjusted* birth weight
*Adjusted for sex and gestation; †p value adjusted for sex of infant, maternal smoking, age, parity, height, pre-pregnant weight, education, cohabitant status, and alcohol consumption.
FREQ0 (n = 1536)4.4 (66)4.4 (68)12.4 (187)3385 (539)39.5 (1.7)3373 (463)
FREQ1 (n = 3591)4.4 (156)5.0 (178)9.4 (335)3423 (531)39.5 (1.8)3417 (442)
FREQ2 (n = 2753)3.8 (103)4.4 (122)8.2 (223)3454 (507)39.5 (1.7)3435 (439)
FREQ3 (n = 1471)3.3 (48)4.5 (66)7.1 (103)3460 (510)39.5 (1.7)3451 (433)
p χ20.2600.724<0.001<0.0010.846<0.001
p linear trend0.0640.714<0.001<0.001<0.001
Adj p linear trend†0.4920.4180.0170.3600.356