Table 1

Physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, socioeconomic position, and social relations by gender among 11, 13, and 15 year olds in Denmark, 1998 (n=5205)

Girls (n=2624)Boys (n=2581)
n%n%p Value
Physical symptoms (at least weekly)
    stomach ache454182229<0.001
    back pain52921513210.761
    feel dizzy4431729212<0.001
    difficulties in getting to sleep9273680732<0.001
Combined physical symptoms index (having 3+)5101934013<0.001
Psychological symptoms (at least weekly)
    feel sad10084043918<0.001
    irritable / bad temper138454108643<0.001
    feel left out of things155610940.007
    feel helpless10148330.232
    not confident in myself9143650320<0.001
    feel lonely2459984<0.001
Combined psychological symptoms index (having 3+)8173140716<0.001
Socioeconomic position
I (high) top/medium level white collar, large/medium scale self employed67829662290.780
II (middle) lower level white collar, small scale self employed, skilled manual1193511195530.175
III (low) unskilled manual, economically inactive, live from social welfare benefits46020390170.039
Relations with parents and friends
    live with only one adult48520475210.777
    difficult to talk with either parent about things that really bothers55721507200.157
    parents expect too much from me in school5812384834<0.001
    parents not ready to help with problems at school197817070.216
    parents not ready to come to meetings at school160616970.473
    parents don’t encourage me to do well at school36314349140.793
Combined parental relations index (having 4+)44317460180.313
    difficult to talk with friends of same sex about things that really bothers4911977631<0.001
    difficult to talk with friends of opposite sex about things that really bothers168866149961<0.001
    less than two close friends248921080.101
    seldom with friends just after school7853061924<0.001
Combined friend relations index (having 3+)86934935370.010
Relations with teachers and connection to school
    teachers don’t treat students fairly1188461099440.062
    teachers don’t help me if I need extra help8183268427<0.001
Combined teacher relations index (having 1+)5532244218<0.001
    pupils are treated too strictly234951520<0.001
    the rules at our school are not fair1223471194470.807
    don’t feel safe at school78830685270.008
    don’t feel I belong at my school1558611573620.327
    are bullied weekly or more202822790.147
Combined school connections index (having 3+)54621617240.007